Preference, Belief, and Similarity by Am...


Knowing Persons by Lloyd P. Gerson (Pape...


Bergson and Philosophy by John Mullarkey...


Contractarianism and Rational Choice by ...


The Stone of Israel and the Two Witnesse...


Descartes' Meditations by Richard Franck...


Plato's Literary Garden by Kenneth M. Sa...


Lectures on the History of Philosophy by...


A History of Russian Philosophy by Valer...


Who's Afraid of Philosophy? by Jacques D...


Bodies That Matter by Judith P. Butler (...


Laoism by Tao Huang (Paperback - Humani...


Philosophy As Metanoetics by Tanabe Haji...


Mental Mechanisms by William Bechtel (Pa...


Richard Rorty Critical Dialogues by Simo...
